About Us

We’d be remiss if we didn’t start with Oksana’s Produce Farm, rightly named by founder Oksana Bocharova, a native of the Belgorod region

of Russia. Oksana inherited her love of farming and nature from her father, Yuriy. He managed a large collective farm and would often bring her to the fields and teach her all that he knew about agriculture as he examined the crops. By the time she was seven, she knew she wanted to be a farmer.
With strong support from family and friends, Oksana purchased seven acres in historic Chestertown, MD, and began the process of cover-cropping to improve soil organic content and growing vegetables for local markets, and of course, homemade pickles, kimchi, and other delectable ferments.
For more on Oksana’s Produce Farm, visit www.oksanasproduce.com.

Deeply involved with all aspects of Oksana’s Produce Farm since its humble beginnings, Oksana’s son, Nikita Bocharov, left his corporate job as an engineer in 2021 and stepped into a full-time ownership position in 2022 to help support and grow the family business.
OK, so why do we care about Nikita? When does Pepper’s Pickles come into the picture?? And who the heck is Pepper??? We’re getting there!
Nikita quickly realized that organic pickles and fermented products were extremely popular at the various farm markets and online retail. So, in 2024, he assembled a team of crack pickle-enthusiasts and founded Pepper’s Pickles!

Named for Nikita’s long-time, feline companion, Pepperjack (pictured left in all his adorable wonder), Pepper’s Pickles is family-owned and operated and aims to bring traditional, uniquely-tasting pickled recipes to farmer’s markets and festivals in Maryland and the surrounding areas. In the not-so-distant future, the Pepper’s Pickles crew plans to expand into additional regional markets, online retail, and even the shelves of your local grocery stores. But for now, our products can be purchased at the following market locations.
We hope you’ll let us take your taste buds for a ride they will not soon forget!